Здесь размещаются страницы длинноволосых геев,
которые этого захотят :)

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Will you join as?
Send us your pics and filled form!


1. Как тебя называть?

Gordon (gep2bear or just gep2)

2. Когда ты появился на свет?

February 13, 1951

3. В каком городе ты живешь?

suburbs of Dallas, Texas (USA)

4. Ты считаешь себя геем или бисексуалом?


5. Ты хочешь с кем-нибудь познакомиться через этот сайт?

I'd love to meet MANY of the guys from this site!!! Would love to host if your travels ever bring you toward Dallas!!!

6. Какие парни тебе нравятся?

    Age is pretty much wide open.
    Long hair is a big plus, as is facial or body hair. Generally, the more hair and furrier one is, the better I like it. :-)
    Honesty is important. I like guys who like to have fun, who know what they want, and where the friendship is mutual.
    I've _really_ liked the Russian guys I've had the pleasure of meeting so far, and would love to meet more. I like roller coasters, theme parks, travel, ocean liners, meeting people, exchanging ideas. I like people who are responsible and interesting and thoughtful and intelligent.
    Uncut is a plus, but not necessary... it's something of a fetish for many of us Americans since so many of us were cut at birth.
    I'm a computer programmer and consultant so a technical or computer background is another thing we might have in common (but not required).
    I like guys who are willing to be DIFFERENT, which is part of what I find appealing about long hair and beards and such. I like guys who understand that masculinity does not equate to cruelty or insensitivity, and that caring about another man is a very rewarding experience. I tend to live in a cluttered home so those who are exceedingly bothered by a very "busy" bearcave might not be comfortable.

7. Ты причисляешь себя к какой-нибудь субкультуре?

I guess I'd qualify as a techno-geek-wizard-hippie-bear.

8. Какая музыка тебе нравится?

I like most kinds, actually. There's a list of some of the music on my CD jukebox at my personal Web site (see below). I'm not big on loud distorted rock and such, I guess I'm getting too old for that... although I still can enjoy disco and such. Anything from classical to folk to broadway musicals to film soundtracks to pop to celtic (harp etc) to (some) country and western to Disney to symphonic to... well, just about anything. I'm not real big on middle eastern music, in general, or opera (too boring), or rap, or a few other kinds. But I like more than what I don't like. :-)

9. Что еще тебе интересно в жизни?

travel, meeting people, longhairs, ocean liners, computers, programming, miniature golf, movies, Internet and E-mail, going out to eat, theatre, open relationships (more about that on my Web site), sex (of course), exchanging ideas, foreign cultures, international friendships, picture taking (mostly digital and video camcorder these days), audio recording (music, theatre, sounds), home control systems, networking, comedy, theme parks (especially Disney parks), roller coasters, lots more.

10. На каких языках, кроме русского, ты можешь общаться?

English (best), French (next bestж I lived for almost nine years in Paris.) and Spanish (very passable). Unfortunately I neither speak nor read Russian. :-(

11. Где в Интернете можно узнать про тебя больше?

12. Как с тобой связаться?
I also use Skype (gordonpeterson) and Yahoo Instant Messenger (gep_2).

Размещено 23.07.2005

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